are you ready to write from the depths of your soul?


This is a space for those who have seen death or have given birth, who have brushed their fragile bones against the very edges of life and understand on a new level what it means to be human.

As anyone who has been through these initiations knows…they completely shift everything you thought you were. They can be painful, confronting, and exquisitely beautiful.

When I was 28 weeks pregnant with my first child, my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given six months to live. I gave birth to my son and held my mother as she died just 11 weeks later. My entire life changed quickly and irrevocably.

And time and time again, writing and sharing my words has brought me home to myself amidst grief, loss, and major life changes.

So if you’re ready to stop playing around on the surface, and dive with me to the very depths of your soul…I can’t wait to meet you.

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