Sparkle Gold Aesthetic Gift Guide Instagram Story (Instagram Post (Square)).png

Living from your authentic Self, free from patterns of trauma, conditioning, control and fear is your birthright. Embodied expression and sacred creation are your birthright. Trusting in life and your connection with Spirit is your birthright.

But you must first be willing to journey to the depths of your soul, through the fires of discomfort, grief, rage, and despair, to the heights of enrapture and pleasure and bliss, through the infinite playground of creation, death, and rebirth.

You are safe to be your wild, raw, pure, authentic, weird, triggering, truest self. You are safe to share your deepest expressions and sacred creations. You are embodied in everything you do, say and share. You move through the world with divine trust.

You are free. To become who you were always meant to be.



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